One of the four teams that host country The Netherlands has in the field, Braakman/Sinnema have teamed up again starting in 2015 and they will be seeded 46th at the FIVB World Championships. Braakman, 24 and 5-11 is living in The Hague and Sinnema, 23, 5-11 is residing in Meppel and 2015 marks their first season playing together on The FIVB World Tour. Overall, Braakman has played in 32 total FIVB international events and Sinnema has played in 22 total FIVB international events including. While this is the first senior FIVB World Championship for Braakman, she earned two medals in FIVB Age Group World Championships with Sophie Van Gestel, a silver medal in 2008 in U-19 and a bronze in 2011 in U-21. Sinnema finished 33rd in the 2013 FIVB World Championships with Michelle Stiekema.