1. What is the current situation in Malaysia? The current situation in Malaysia right now is we have 55 confirmed cases since the start of Covid-19, with 22 discharged. Ministry of Health Malaysia been very transparent and provided daily update regarding the matter. Below, the latest info-graphic and press statement from Ministry of Health Malaysia (5 March 2020) can be found. - Press Statement COVID-19 Malaysia (05 Mar) - Inforgraphic COVID-19 (05 Mar) 2. Identification of any risks regarding the staging of the tournament Currently Langkawi does not have any active Covid-19 case. There will always be risk in any part of the world, but most athletes that will be coming to Langkawi will go through two airport screening at Kuala Lumpur International Airport and Langkawi International Airport. In addition to airport screening, we are working closely with Langkawi Hospital regarding the issue, there will be screenings to the athletes and spectators to the venue. Any suspected Covid-19 case will not be allowed to enter the venue and will be referred to Langkawi Hospital. Together with Langkawi Hospital we are also planning for an awareness program for the spectators and athletes, and screening of the athletes during the Preliminary Inquiry, pending confirmation from Langkawi Hospital. 3. Any travel restrictions and requirements implemented by national authorities for visitors entering the event territory? As per the attached latest statement by Ministry of Health Malaysia 5th March 2020, Malaysia now temporarily restrict visitors from following cities or regions: 3.1 Lombardy, Veneto, Italy 3.2 Emilia-Romagna, Italy 3.3 Hokkaido, Japan 3.4 Tehran, Iran 3.5 Qom, Iran 3.6 Gilan, Iran Link for the latest statement from Ministry of Health Malaysia on 5 March 2020: https://kpkesihatan.com/2020/03/05/kenyataan-akhbar-kpk-5-mac-2020-situasi-semasa-jangkitan-penyakit-coronavirus-2019-covid-19-di-malaysia-mesyuarat-jawatankuasa-kerja-kluster-penyakit-coronavirus-covid-19-bil-2-tahun-2020/ |