Event Office |
Address | Verein Pro Beachvolleyball Luzern Obergütschstraße 32c, PF 7042, CH-6000 Luzern 7 |
Telephone | +41 32 558 40 44 or + 41 79 3118033 |
Name contact person 1 | Marcel Bourquin |
Mobile | +41 79 3118033 |
Email | mb@beachvolley-lucerne.ch |
Name(s) of other representatives in contact with players, officials etc | Tournament Director Siegbert Brutschin |
Mobile(s) | +49 172 3277422 | +41 79 6768245 (01.01. - 21.05.2016) |
Email(s) | info@brutschin-eventservice.de sb@beachvolley-lucerne.ch |
Venue |
Address | Strandbad LIDO AG Luzern, Lidostrasse 6a, CH-6006 Luzern |
Telephone | 0041 41 3703806 |
Fax | 0041 41 3703825 |
Closest airport | Zürich |
Distance from airport to venue | 60 km |
Details of transport from airport to venue | There will be a shuttle for the main draw teams from the airport to the main draw hotel as well as there is a shuttle for FIVB delegates. Any other people have to pay a fee 30EUR/CHF or 30$ (the transport is only to the main draw hotel, there will be no other shuttle service to other hotels). For qualification athletes and other staff members we recommend traveling by train to Lucerne. Train station is directly underneath Zurich Airport and the ride takes approx. an hour as it does by shuttle due to traffic. Shuttle-Service between Venue and Main Draw Hotel:Please note that shuttle-service between the main draw hotel and the venue will be handled by boat in general. Only on the 12th of May will be a shuttle-service to the venue by bus for practice session. |
Training courts | Strandbad LIDO AG Luzern, Lidostrasse 6a, CH-6006 Luzern Number of courts: 3 Availability (date/time): On 10th and 11th May |
Training courts | Address: Beach Club Kriens (Samuel Schnyder) 6011 Kriens, Horwerstrasse Number of courts: 3 info@beachclubkriens.ch | www.beachclubkriens.ch Availability (date/time): Only on Wednesday 12th of May for Main Draw Athletes |
Name contact person 1 | Siebert Brutschin will handle the shuttle scheduling for the players and handle the hotel booking. Please note that shuttle-service between the main draw hotel and the venue will be handled by boat in general. Only on the 12th of May will be a shuttle-service to the venue by bus for practice session. Please do not publish every mail address of representative to the players for shuttle scheduling and hotel booking. This caused huge problems. Please use hotel@beachvolley-lucerne.ch for hotel issues and shuttle@beachvolley-lucerne.ch for issues in relation to transportation. |
Mobile | 0049 172 3277422 | +41 79 6768245 (01.-21.05.2015) |
Email | sb@beachvolley-lucerne.ch |
Name(s) of other representatives in contact with players, officials etc | Marc Heitmann |
Mobile(s) | +41 79 7607864 (01.05.-31.05.2016) +49 176 82379790 |
Email(s) | marc@beachvolley-lucerne.ch hotel@beachvolley-lucerne.ch shuttle@beachvolley-lucerne.ch |